The way of Love…of Spirit
A further definition of “Aloha”…
“Aloha is being a part of all, and all being a part of me. When there is pain – it is my pain. When there is joy – it is also mine. I respect all that is as part of the Creator and part of me. I will not willfully harm anyone or anything. When food is needed I will take only my need and explain why it is being taken. The earth, the sky, the sea are mine to care for, to cherish and to protect. This is Hawaiian – this is Aloha!”
#1 – Investigate and Shift Perspective:
We are experiencing reflections of our own vibration and past experiences from our childhood. We experience most of our traumas and downloads from birth to age 8. Everything after is a repeat of those traumas and is a link to the earlier core trauma. It is the memory of the experience that causes the effect on our lives. Our negative emotions or triggers are links to original traumatic memories. Our emotional body is stuck in that time without means to integrate and then carry into our adult lives. We can change the causation of the negative experiences (traumas) through going into the memory. We tend to have patterns learned from parents during childhood and “carryover” energies from our parents as well.
During our life, if we haven’t integrated and healed the emotional trauma(s), we develop “coping mechanisms” in order to carry on with daily life – we learn to hold back love, trust or expressing ourselves…etc.
The sooner we come out of the drama of the negative experience and get the message that we wanted ourselves to receive, the sooner our life will shift into a higher consciousness and vibration.
#2 – Integrate/Heal
- Investigating Control Dramas
- The Completion Process
- Sedona Method
- EFT/Tapping
- Emotion Code
- Discover You Love Language(s)
- Ho’opono pono/Forgiveness
- Processing Anger/Reactions (triggers)
#3 – Recreate Life From New Vibration
The old story that we have told no longer is relevant. Coping mechanisms that served a purpose in the past no longer serve this new way of BEing. From this new shift in perspective and release of stuck energy and old limiting beliefs…our energetic, emotional and physical bodies shift We now vibrate with a new, higher frequency and start to attract experiences and people of like vibration…
Here I stand in my own Universe…
Vibrating at my own unique frequency…
Attracting those things of like vibration.