What does this mean? “Lose your self in love”
I mean, be STRONG and POWERFUL and surrender to pure potential. Accept your true nature and stop hiding in the idea that you are limited by your physical body. You know there is more to you. Become a skeptic to what you have been told. Investigate. Let go of the idea of yourself…of who you hold onto…of the identity of yourself that has a story and holds an unwavering position. Lose the conditioned mind, ego-identity that wants to judge and control. When you find yourself needing to win an argument or hold strongly to your position…try losing your Self in Love and see what happens. Lose the “me” into the eternal and infinite “I” that is ever-present, always IS, never born and never dies.
Some like to romanticize by saying “Don’t lose yourself when in love”. Actually, unless you are a fully-awakened and realized being there is a strong possibility that you have never lived your “authentic self“, that person that is unconditioned by society, family and friends; free from limiting beliefs, coping mechanisms and negative patterns.
What would happen if you DID “lose your self in love”? What would happen to YOU? What part of you thinks it would be hurt?
I Believe…in losing my Self in Love. Meaning, putting my limited “ego-identity” into perspective. To allow and embrace my ego as my own creation that serves a purpose in this physical experience.
I know that when I “lose my Self in love”, life takes on a glow and I realize that everyone in my reality is loving and supporting me in their own unique way.
I continue to expand myself through my heart, to embrace who I have been and who I am becoming. I find that when I do this, there are more perfect days and beautiful nights, more opportunities to receive and give, more sacred moments, more connection…life is more “in the flow”. Life still presents its difficult moments, but my response to them is smoother, less panic, anxiety and stress.