Trapped Emotions Cause Illness

Your body is a reflection of what you believe

“I allow perfect health.
I am the master of my emotions.
I have the power to heal my body.”


Need your own set of cards? Buy HERE
Love Wisdom Cards (1.75″ × 2.5″ mini cards)Daniel Of Sedona Mystic Wisdom Cards


“I truly LOVE your Mystic Wisdom cards. They are so spot on accurate. Standswithbear and I pulled a few cards from your deck asking a question about our relationship for 2017. And, there was a theme of the cards all having to do with love. But at first we weren’t sure of the actual message for our question….so we pulled a few more cards, and actually got the SAME EXACT cards. So, we finally got the message! AND, right before the session I did with you and Jonathan, I pulled one single card, and it was the “Life is Abundant” card….so, awesome deck my friend…big applause.”
Lightstar and Standswithbear