When you are blaming anything on anything outside of yourself, you are in delusion.

Everything around you is a reflection of you, your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. If you focus on things to fear and worry about, there is a strong possibility that you will manifest some form of that worry.

Everyone in your life is your supportive teacher and is showing you love…maybe, not in the idea of love that you have grown accustomed to, but it IS love.

Victims and victimizers are giving and taking power, as needed. Victims will know the feeling of giving their power to another. They will know the inability to control the external. Victimizers will feel power and the love for the one that offered it to them-though it looked like they had taken it. The victim and victimizer are one…in the victim, there was nothing taken that wasn’t given to itself. So, within these experiences, when the power is recognized, the cycle of abuse and suffering ends.

Love never takes sides, for to do so is to reinforce separation. All participants in conflict are seeking to find their own inner power. It all needs to be played out and resolved in one way or another. There can never be an ultimate external power. Power is not external. Anyone trying to control the external is now out of control internally and your energy is limited. We are all safe from injury or violation.